Saturday, June 20, 2009


Project: Mini Library

Where was I ?? Oh yeah...buying paints, sandpaper etc etc...we went back to the center to continue our work...more cleaning, vacuuming, sapu'ing before we actually can paint the blue...that's the colour we choose for one you know it's not that easy to paint wall..but at the end of the day it was good!  When we finally put the book shelves in, the curtain up..the place look good. Here are some of our hard work..

Artist at work...fine work like this need full concentration you know...

Eh..all of us wear mask not because of Virus A's just that the dust is soooo thick...dun think anyone wash it for more than 10 years....dun wanna end up sneezing and spreading my saliva!!

See everyone chip in..thank you Su Foong ( my slave driver), Kian Leong ( Dr Quack) and their children as well as Mo and Cham, the 2 ladies staying with me in the center...without their hands and legs...nothing can be done....and with their sweat and blood and is our Mini leh

I am truly proud ....aahhhh....finally our own Mini's called 'The Living Word Library'.
KCBB..thanks for the other friends in Malaysia..thank you for your financial and prayer support...we finally made it... :)